JoJo Hurricane
5 min readFeb 11, 2021


To ‘V’ or not to ‘V’ that is THE Question

G’day winners. It’s been a little minute since I wrote my last blog! I’ve been feeling bloggy for a while, I just needed the right time to mind dump: so here I am writing my latest blog about a subject so triggering it has friendships breaking down, couples breaking up, colleagues locking horns with one another and divisive labels like ‘anti vaxxer’ or *vaccine refusenik * being branded about by MSM in daily media content *sad face emoji*

Let me start by giving you some context about my mind-set around health and wellbeing. I have never fully understood those who limit their thinking when it comes to their health. A week or so ago I was chatting with someone I know regarding a recent diagnosis she received from her GP and it has stayed with me enough to write about it as I truly felt for this lady.

When talking me through the journey that she has been on with this particular ailment I could see that she felt despondent but the bit that really hit me in the girl balls was that not only had she been prescribed medication ‘for life’ she doesn’t feel any better whatsoever for taking it. It took my all to listen without offering my usual naturopathic suggestions as I intuitively felt she wasn’t in the right place to receive. So, instead I walked away, both glitching and thinking deeply at what I had just heard. What my brain cannot ever compute is when people leave their health exclusively at the mercy of somebody else without researching alternative pathways. The frustrating thing I find is that words like ‘alternative’ ‘holistic’ and ‘naturopathic’ (to some) carry a pessimistic connotation, although times are changing; come on humans!!

Something I really hate to admit about myself is that I have an ‘asthmatic’ diagnosis, imagine if you will someone living with Munchausen’s (stay with me for a sec) for those unfamiliar with this syndrome, Munchausen’s is a psychological disorder where one pretends to be or deliberately produces symptoms of illness within themselves *VOM* well I am the polar opposite of this. Quite simply put, I will not limit my thinking when it comes to disease and illness. A friend once said to me “your way of thinking about health is exhausting on the contrary Dear Fuckface, I find it unbelievably empowering. Oh yea going back to my asthma, I cannot abide that I have ‘it’, but I truly believe in the not so distant future I will heal myself fully from ‘it’. I am absolutely NOT shunning allopathic medicine, I do believe there is a time and place for it, particularly when there is something acute that needs urgent attention, but for anything long term I wholly believe that a naturopathic/ whole-listic approach is the only way to truly heal.

It drives me bananas that the idea of health and healing is far-flung, new-agey or somehow sounds like fake science, this is an extraordinary mistake made in medical education thus limits our understanding and comprehension of disease management. Sterility is NOT the pathway to human health and the fact that folk feel that immunity comes solely via a needle tells me that this industry is greatly flawed.

What has been most disturbing to me during this pandemic is the division that the V and the narrative that goes with it is causing. I don’t go around on a daily basis projecting my thoughts on to others, yet on a daily basis, I have to hear things like ‘’those who don’t have the jab are putting the lives of the vulnerable at risk’’ this is wrong and for a myriad of reasons. You see the narrative the Government are pushing out is a modus operandi, ‘AN’ ideology, a perspective! Whilst they claim it is based on scientific research yadda yadda yadda, there absolutely is more than one way to skin a cat (horrible expression soz!)

Millions of us listen to, follow, are influenced and blown away by Doctor’s, Virologists, Physicians, Bio Scientists and Practitioners at the top of their field who offer and fully back a different modus operandi, they teach us how to empower ourselves on how to take full accountability for our own health without the need for V’s and pharma meds laden with heavy metals. So here I am with two conflicting ideologies; who is right and who is wrong? WHO CARES? What happened to the Pro Choice narrative?

We have a duty to link in and go with whatever synergistically feels right to do based on our own beliefs. No two people have the same constitutional and compositional make up, thus, how can we have such a blanket approach to health? The phenomenal experts I follow, teach some of the most empowering information I have ever had the privilege to hear. It is truly life changing stuff and I defy anyone to challenge the teachings of someone like Dr. Zach Bush. Zach Bush is a triple board certified Doctor of Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, he also specialises in end of life and palliative care. If you have made it this far down I implore you to look him up. He has an abundance of information ‘out there’ his podcasts are f*****g unreal and his webinars will blow your socks off especially if you really honour your life and are pro health. He is also really easy to look at y’all but more than his looks, his knowledge, passion and purpose to elevate the trajectory of humankind is what WINS for me every time.

**Plot Twist** Zach Bush doesn’t identify with a Pro or Anti V narrative; according to him and his team of researchers this an old paradigm and I would imagine insulting at their level of intelligence. His teachings are far greater and much more insightful that this divisional, played out argument!

To conclude my effort to share a different perspective, is with this. Get up every single day start by asking yourself “how do I honour my life?” research, research research; a diagnosis is NOT a prognosis. Empower yourselves and take accountability for your health. It is 2021, don’t limit your thinking about your health and wellbeing. Finally LOVE with the whole of your hearts and if someone doesn’t think like you, then that is ok too, we’re not all supposed to have the exact same thoughts but we can still get along. Enjoy the ride winners!

“The biggest problem we all face is the story that we tell ourselves of what our lives have been. It’s keeping us in a box. The ‘cubicle’ you’re really living in is your story” Zach Bush, MD.




JoJo Hurricane

F.O.C.U.S… on the powerful, euphoric, magical, synchronistic, beautiful parts of life & the U.N.I.V.E.R.S.E will keep giving them to you.